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Each year, there are over 300,000 breast augmentations in the United States. It is a procedure that plastic surgeons perform in various ways, allowing you to get the kind of augmentation size and shape you want. 

Sometimes, however, a breast augmentation can require a revision to offer the right results. 

What Are Breast Augmentations, and What Do They Offer?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure using breast implants or fat transfers to increase your breast size and shape. 

During a fat transfer breast augmentation, the augmentation occurs after undergoing liposuction to remove some fat from other locations in your body. Your doctor then uses that fat to increase your breast size. 

This type of breast augmentation is best suited for people who want a small increase in their breast shape and size. Some of the locations where the fat can come from include the:

  • Belly
  • Flanks
  • Back 
  • Thighs

There are also various breast implant options. Saline breast implants contain salt water (saline). If you worry about the implant breaking inside your body, this is an ideal option since your body will easily absorb the saline. 

You can also opt for silicone implants, the more common of the two, which look and feel most natural. 

A breast augmentation can be an excellent choice if you are someone in overall good health who has your nipples in the right place without any breast drooping, and you want to enhance the size or shape of your natural breasts. 

What Is a Breast Augmentation Revision?

Even after a thorough consultation with a surgeon and considering all of your options, you may end up with breast implants you are not happy with for one reason or another. 

Sometimes, it can come down to aesthetics, while other times, the results of the original surgery can deteriorate over time. For example, it is common for people who decide to get a breast augmentation early in their lives to realize they do not want quite so much volume later on in life. 

You can turn to a breast augmentation revision to help you achieve the exact look you want. If you want to change the size of your breasts, remove the implants altogether and/or remove the scar around the implants, or adjust the breast shape, a revision can make that possible. 

Who Can Benefit from a Breast Augmentation Revision?

Various factors can determine whether a breast augmentation revision can benefit you. Generally, you are a good candidate for a revision procedure if:

  • Your implants have deflated
  • Your implants have shifted from their original location
  • There is a shell leak in your implant
  • You have gained weight or lost weight, changing your breast tissue
  • Scar tissue has tightened over the breast area
  • You want to change the size or shape of the implant
  • You have breast cancer
  • You have implant rippling

If you experience any of these issues, a breast augmentation revision may be the right solution.

Scheduling a Breast Augmentation Revision

After a breast augmentation, you may have doubts or worries about the results. It is essential to wait for the swelling to fade before assessing whether you are happy with the augmentation. 

We advise waiting at least six months before a revision, as this time allows your body to recover from the original surgical procedure. 

Beginning the Process

If you are not pleased with your initial breast augmentation results, the first step is to reach out to a qualified and experienced surgeon. This consultation will give the doctor an idea of what type of implants you have and what kind of revision you would like.

You will need to provide your full medical history and have various physical exams to ensure you can have surgery. You will always receive an extensive walk-through of what you can expect from the procedure. 

To prepare for a breast augmentation revision, you will want to avoid blood thinners and stop using nicotine products. You must also refrain from eating or drinking anything eight hours before surgery if undergoing general anesthesia.

Recovery and Aftercare

Right after surgery, you will need to stay at the facility for a few hours to ensure your body is recovering properly. Someone will need to drive you home and stay with you for that first night. 

Your surgeon will tell you exactly how to care for the incision sites and what you can and cannot do as you recover. For most people, it is essential to rest for at least a week and avoid strenuous activities for up to a month. 

Seeking Out Personalized Care

If you are unhappy with the results of your breast augmentation, you can turn to Vegas Plastic Surgery Institute for a revision. With highly trained, board-certified surgeons at your side who can address your concerns and provide exceptional, personalized care, you can get the results you truly want. 

Learn more about breast augmentation revision in Las Vegas, NV, today.